The Pact between Adolf Hitler Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin USSR was an evil conspiracy, with an aggressive war against peace. Starting with Poland and Finland in 1939. Poland suffered extreme losses after being attacked from the West by Germany and the East by the Soviet Union. War prisoners of war were executed from 1939 to 1940 by the tens of thousands.   The Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact was a conspiracy hatched between Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler regimes. The effect of the M & R Pact caused enormous human loss and casualties. Also, large-scale material loss and damages. The Pact caused severe war crimes and Genocide by the Soviet leaders against the Polish nationals and their Government. They did not want to be a target or to have anything to do with the two dictator’s political ambitions and power politics in East Europe. When Stalin led the Soviet Union, he was steeped in the conspiracy with Hitler, fully aware of their share in the spoils of war. Both parties of the Pact had expectations by expanding their influence over East Europe territory, occupying the land, pillaging, and taking control of the Baltic States and Finland.


Territory conquest and eliminate resistance. Politically demolish the Independence of the Baltic States, and usher in Dialectic Materialism. Roll out communism. Soviet Union Stalin’s leadership was equal partners with Nazi Germany in the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact. The effects of the implementation and the maneuvering of the M & R Pact from 1939 to 1941 caused tremendous damage to the Baltic States, Finland, and East Europe. Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union leaders who participated in the Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact on the Soviet side walked away in 1945 without guilt in their role in the war crimes. Stalin simply shrugged it off as not accurate; he completely denied any existence of a secret protocol.  

The Allied partners took it at face value at a two-dimensional reality and did nothing more about it. They distanced themselves from the Spirit of the Natural Law. The war against Finland was started by the Soviet Stalin and his military Generals on November 30, 1939, without any war declaration. Winter had already started with a thick snow cover on the ground. The Soviet Union had a well-thought-out plan for the military takeover of Finland. Their plan included the entire 1100 km border between the Soviet Union and Finland.


The Soviet military forces were organized as follows: The 7th Army, comprising nine divisions, a tank corps, and three tank brigades, was located on the Karelian Isthmus. Its objective was the city of Vyborg. The force was later divided into the 7th and 13th Armies.

The 8th Army, comprising six divisions and a tank brigade, was located north of Lake Ladoga. Its mission was to execute a flanking maneuver around Lake Ladoga’s northern shore to strike at the rear of the Mannerheim Line.

The 9th Army was positioned to strike into Central Finland through the Kainuu region. Composed of three divisions with one more on its way. Its mission was to thrust westward to cut Finland in half.

The 14th Army, comprising three divisions, was based in the Arctic Port of Murmansk. Its objective was to capture the Arctic port of Petsamo and the Nickel mine and then advance south to Rovaniemi’s town.

On November 30, 1939, Soviet forces crossed over the Finland border with 21 divisions, a total of 450,000 troops. That takes a lot of logistics to maintain for a fortnight. It was a deliberate military takeover attempt of Finland.  


The takeover of Finland’s plan was not only at the military level; there was preparation done at political, cultural, and psychological levels. Satan used many levers to manipulate the human living soul to his advantage, intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory, and emotions.

Psychologically and politically, the Soviets had prepared Soviet puppet State representatives for the Finland government after the occupation.

The de-facto Kuusinen’s Government was a Soviet puppet set up as future Finland’s people’s Government. They called it the Finnish National People’s Government. It was signed on December 1, 1939.   Soviet Foreign Affairs Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov officially signed the agreement. Approved by the spirit of the Nemesis. The Soviets mustered up vast resources for their push westwards towards Europe. Bolshevik’s lawless energy, Socialist ideology, and the Communist State Atheism megalomania for global domination.

The goals of the war against peace became blatantly clear as soon as the invasion had begun in 1939. The goal was an occupation takeover, followed by a russification process.

Subjugating people to Soviet Russian pseudo-socialism. Spiritually it was the corrupting influence of the Nemesis, using temptations, exploiting others, and using political means and military power to move obstacles away from the communist leadership goals. The Nemesis tempted both Hitler and Stalin into an agreement to exploit the territory and property of the East European States.

(Molotov-Ribbentrop-Pact, 1939)  

The Soviets set up a fake government for Finland’s future, led by Otto Ville Kuusinen, to his predecessor Terijo. The Soviet’s armies also brought along their army brass bands to play music at ceremonies.   Mr. Ville Kuusinen’s history goes back to 1918 to the time of the Expulsion of the Bolsheviks from Finland. They did not accept the Independence of Finland as a reality. They were obstinate in making Finland a communist country, with Russia in charge of Finland’s governance. The de-facto Kuusinen’s government plan signed by the Soviet foreign minister, Joseph Stalin and the new Foreign Minister, Kuusinen, moved from Finland to Soviet Russia and created a political career as the Soviet Union in 1922 in the communist party of a changed state.

Mr. Ville Kuusinen had signed an agreement with the Soviet Union leaders to replace the democratically elected Government in Finland that was elected into parliament in 1939.  

The earlier years of Joseph Stalin strengthened his resolve from 1894. He had no excuse for ignorance. He studied at a religious seminary environment, where there were 600 trainee priests and spiritual monks. By his own rebellious will, he had the thought, the idea, what he wanted to become, and he chose to love lawlessness.

He continued to make the same choices and left the seminary. He could have chosen to humble himself to obey the spirit of the scriptures that they were taught at the seminary. To humble himself is a choice; similarly to rebelling is a choice also.  


The beginning of the Trail of destruction. Early on the morning of August 24, 1939, the Soviet Union and Germany signed a ten-year non-aggression pact called the Molotov– Ribbentrop Pact. The Pact contained a secret protocol by which Northern and Eastern European states divided into German and Soviet “spheres of influence….”

“In the north, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia assigned to the Soviet sphere. Poland partitioned in the event of its “political rearrangement”— the areas east of the Narev, Vistula and San Rivers going to the Soviet Union while Germany would occupy the west.”

 “Lithuania, adjacent to East Prussia, would be in the German sphere of influence, although a second secret protocol agreed in September 1939 assigned most Lithuanian territory to the Soviet Union.

According to this secret protocol, Lithuania would regain its historical capital Vilnius, previously subjugated during the inter-war period by Poland.”

(Wikipedia, Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression, 1939)  

 Following the end of the Soviet invasion of Poland on October 6, the Soviets pressured Finland and the Baltic states to conclude mutual assistance treaties.

The Soviets were rolling westward empowered by their nationalism and lawlessness; they were searching out cracks in the Baltic states, a way to get in and start their Russification process under the pretense of pseudo “Socialism.”

The spiritual power push of the Nemesis always gives alibis of deception, to lead people into thinking something else, then the actual intent, perceived by the human mind. In so doing, they obscure the actual activity of Satan, which is to steal, kill, and destroy. Any excuse to doubt the neutrality of Estonia; they found one in the escape of an interned Polish submarine on September 18, 1939.

 It is the most obvious thing if anyone signs up for the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression that the neighbors will run and scream wolf! So, therefore the Soviets did not need to wait long after August 23, 1939, before they were spotted one.  


“A week later on September 24, the Estonian foreign minister was given an ultimatum in Moscow. The Soviets demanded the conclusion of a treaty of mutual assistance to establish military bases in Estonia. The Estonians had no choice but to accept naval, air, and Army bases on two Estonian islands and at the port of Paldiski. A similar agreement was signed on September 28, 1939″.

(Invasion, Occupation of the Baltic states, 1940)


“Latvia followed on October 5, 1939, and Lithuania shortly after that, on October 10, 1939. The agreements permitted the Soviet Union to establish military bases on the Baltic states’ territory for the duration of the European war and to station 25,000 Soviet soldiers in Estonia, 30,000 in Latvia and 20,000 in Lithuania from October 1939.”….( Invasion, Occupation of the Baltic states, 1940)   PACTS “In September and October 1939, the Soviet Government compelled the Baltic states to conclude mutual assistance pacts which gave it the right to establish Soviet military bases. In May 1940, the Soviets turned to the idea of direct military intervention but still intended to rule through puppet regimes. Their model was the “Finnish Democratic Republic,”….( Invasion, Occupation of the Baltic states, 1940)  


“On June 15, 1940, the Lithuanian Government had no choice but to agree to the Soviet ultimatum and permit the entry of an unspecified number of Soviet troops. President Antanas Smetona proposed armed resistance to the Soviets, but the Government refused, proposing their candidate to lead the regime. However, the Soviets refused this offer and sent Vladimir Dekanozov to take charge of affairs while the Red Army occupied the state.”….( Occupation of the Baltic states, 1940)   “On June 16, 1940, Latvia and Estonia also received ultimata. The Red Army occupied the two remaining Baltic states shortly after that. The Soviets dispatched Andrey Vyshinsky to oversee the takeover of Latvia and Andrei Zhdanov to oversee the takeover of Estonia. On 18 and 21 June 1940, new “popular front” governments were formed in each Baltic country, consisting of Communists and fellow travelers.

Under Soviet surveillance, the new governments arranged rigged elections for new “people’s assemblies.” Voters presented with a single list, and no opposition movements were allowed to file, and to get the required turnout to 99.6% votes were forged.”

(Invasion, Occupation of the Baltic states, 1940)


Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 2928-2930).

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