The Mind Destroying Sin of Humanity

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The Mind-Destroying Sin of Humanity has deceived the human race, to covet and lust for the love of carnal sin that is destroying the rational capacity of the living soul function of the mind. That which should be shunned and abhorred, the carnal lust of sin takes over the mind to pervert the rational moral principled thinking mind. Such is the delusion of the vast portion of the human race.

The Oracle of God (YHWH) established human rights principles some 3470 years ago at Mount Sinai.
There is no dispute among the rational, principled established theologians in the Western world.

The only people who dispute the oracles of God, as they are recorded in the Book of Exodus chapter 20, are people who have no knowledge or understanding of Epistemology, theology, and Social psychology with the four principles of logic.

Therefore, the loudest people who are protesting against the Nation of Israel to defend itself and eradicate the Hamas terrorist Death Cult are people who have no acquaintance with the living soul functions of the mind. In fact, the knowledge of the rational functions of the mind is more obscure and less known than some lost tribal people in the deepest Amazon jungles.

It should be realized that for the rational, moral people who care about justice, as it was laid out some 3470 years ago at Mount Sinai, the presumption of human stupidity is the norm in the modern social media world.

Therefore, just because people get on some bandwagon to protest, the truth is that the condition of the Social Media world is that of a soap opera; people lust for the bubbles and the froth, and the ejection of adrenaline, from sensationalistic controversy, drama, and the blaming of someone or a group as a scapegoat.
Like a pack of Hyenas, the animal nature of some humans joins the pack of Hyenas when they sniff weakness, blood, or rejection by the in group.

Therefore, Israel was trusted with the Torah. The nation of Israel has faith in YHWH and is obedient to the written Torah.
The pagan world does not have the covenants the YHWH has made with Israel over the last 4000 years. Therefore, Israel has to take the leadership and lead according to the Written oracles of God, in the Spirit and the wisdom of Ruach HaKodesh.


The Hamas terrorist death cult has no legitimacy in the civilized world. They have defiled the land of Israel from the River to the Sea.
Hamas terrorist death cult is an abomination. The Hamas death cult has to be eradicated from the land of Israel.
Reason alone clearly defines what is aligned with the God-given principles of human rights, and importantly, how are human rights forfeited? What deeds and acts forfeit the God-given human rights?

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