Russia War Against Ukraine Continues After 490 Days of War

A Claim For a True Worldview website

The Russia-Ukraine War has been ongoing for over 490 days. As the Russian troops continue their military campaigns against the Ukrainian military forces, the death toll rises along with the destruction of property and civilian infrastructure. On this fateful day, Ukraine faces a momentous milestone being that the war has dragged on for nearly 500 days with no end in sight.

Background and Timelines

The war between Russia and the Ukraine began in 2014 when pro-Russian separatists took control of the Crimean Peninsula. Ukraine refused Russia’s annexation of the region, and a civil war quickly ensued. After regaining control of the region, the Ukrainian government and military attempted to regain control of the separatist-held areas in Eastern Ukraine as well. This aggression has since evolved into a full-blown international war, with Russia repeatedly unleashing airstrikes and shelling military and civilian infrastructure alike.

Casualties and Destruction, 490 Days of War

During the almost 500-day war between Russia and Ukraine, over 10,000 lives have been lost due to the conflict. Civilian homes, businesses, and other infrastructure have been destroyed during the war, leaving hundreds of thousands homeless and helpless. Reports of targeted shelling and airstrikes of government and civilian infrastructure have been rampant, with thousands being killed and countless others injured in the bombardment. While the conflict has been contained so far, tensions remain high and the civilian death and destruction toll continues to rise in Ukraine.

International Reactions

Countries across the globe have condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The United Nations Security Council has unanimously adopted two resolutions that call for a full cease-fire and political process that will bring an end to the war. The European Union has also taken steps to protect the Ukraine by imposing economic sanctions on Russia and its citizens. Nations such as the United States and Canada have expressed their dismay with the Russian government and urged an end to the conflict, emphasizing the importance of a political process that will bring about a peaceful and meaningful resolution to the conflict.


The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for nearly 500 days with no end in sight. Thousands of civilians have been killed or injured, and millions more were displaced as a result of the now-constant bombing of Ukraine cities. The international community has come together in a united stance against Russia’s aggression, but a true lasting resolution still remains out of reach.

Why has the mindless Russian aggression continued for 490 days?

The answer is found at the root of Russia as a nation. The lawless rebellion that developed into a violent anarchy was released in Russia 1917. The Bolshevik underworld criminals did the unthinkable. they flipped the Russian Monarchy on its head, and gained political power and control of Russia after 3 years of Civil war. The fight between the Russian Bolsheviks against the Russian Monarchists.

In 1922 the Soviet Satanic Union was established in Russia. At the core of the USSR leadership was a mixture of Karl Marx Dialectic Materialism philosophy, Bolsheviks lawlessness and disdain for the rule of law, Vladimir Lenin political ambitions and eventually the ruthless dictator Josef Stalin.

From 1922 to 1991 Soviet Satanic Union was an open sample for the entire world to see what disgrace and despicable outcomes will result when Godless human beings get political and military power and satisfy their insatiable lust and greed to exploit other human beings.

Russia leadership in Kremlin has relapsed into the despicable Soviet Russo nationalism that glorifies Josef Stalin. Russian people have profited from Josef Stalin war crimes for over 80 years.

Proverbs 28:16

“A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor”,

A peaceful resolution can be reached, when the Russian people wake up spiritually and look at them selves in a mirror, morally. Russian people as a nation are guilty in supporting such a narcissistic despot as their President Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin is a war criminal thousand times over.

With the entire world support of Ukrainian people they can finally taste the peace they so desperately need after 490 days of war.

Read more on Russian leadership delusional worldview.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and His Leadership Delusions